In memory of the women who lost their lives due to partner violence, the March 8th - International Women’s Day march is dedicated to the fight against femicide. We warn of the most extreme form of violence against women: gender-motivated killing of…
U znak sjećanja na žene koje su izgubile živote usled partnerskog nasilja, Osmomartovski marš posvećen je borbi protiv femicida. Opominjemo na najekstremniji oblik nasilja nad ženama: rodno motivisanio ubijanje žena. Govorimo o ubijanju žena, samo zato što su žene.
Država je pokazala…
Povodom obilježavanja 8. marta - Međunarodnog dana žena, Centar za ženska prava i Odbor za rodnu ravnopravnost Skupštine Crne Gore organizovali su izložbu mladih umjetnica i umjetnika pod nazivom „Portfolio nenasilja”. Izložba je otvorena 7. marta, u Skupštini Crne Gore, u 18:00č.
U periodu od 3. do 7. marta, "Centar za ženska prava" organizovao je bubnjarske radionice "Bit protesta". Polaznice/i su imali priliku da savladaju osnove ritmičkih vještina uz mentorstvo bubnjara Miloša Markovića. Zajedno sa glumicama Mašom Labudović i Jelenom Đukić, polaznici su kreirali…
In the period from March 3 to 7 2022, WRC organized drumming workshops "The Beat of the Protest". Workshops participants had the opportunity to learn the basics of rhythmic skills under the mentorship of drummer Miloš Marković. Together with actresses Maša Labudović…
On the occasion of marking March 8 – the International Women's Day, t Women's Rights Center and the Committee on Gender Equality of the Parliament of Montenegro organized an exhibition of young artists called "Portfolio of Nonviolence". The exhibition was opened on…
U periodu od 26. februara do 2. marta, "Centar za ženska prava" organizovao je treći po redu "Kratki kurs (u)kidanja patrijarhata". Kao reakcija na nedavna rodno-zasnovana ubistva žena u Crnoj Gori, tema ovogodišnjih radionica bio je femicid. Cilj radionica bio je…
In the period from February 26 to March 2, WRC organized the third "Short Course (of Cutting Down Patriarchy". In response to the recent gender-based killings of women in Montenegro, the topic of this year's workshops was femicide. The aim of the…
Pridružite nam se na bubnjarskim radionicama na kojima pripremamo osmomartovsku buku, od 3. Do 7. marta, u prostoru “Drop in” centra!
Prijave i informacije na mail , sa naznakom "Bit protesta", do 2. 03. 2022.
Ana Jaredic, coordinator of the support services of the Women's Rights Center, spoke for "Nova M" TV about violence in relationships. On that occasion, she explained how to recognize the violent relationship and what are the first signs of violent behavior. "When…