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Short Course of Cutting Down Patriarchy III
In the period from February 26 to March 2, WRC organized the third “Short Course (of Cutting Down Patriarchy”. In response to the recent gender-based killings of women in Montenegro, the topic of this year’s workshops was femicide. The aim of the workshops was to warn and the public encourage to think and act to combat violence against women in Montenegro, through critical and artistic reflection on this issue.

The workshops were led by visual artists Tanja Markuš and Svetlana Dragojević. The participants of the workshops were students of the second and third year of the study of Graphic Design at the University of Donja Gorica.
The works created at the workshops will be presented at the exhibition “Portfolio of Nonviolence“, organized by WRC and the Gender Equality Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro, in the Parliament of Montenegro, as part of the celebration of March 8, International Women’s Day.
Radionice su vodile likovne umjetnice Tanja Markuš i Svetlana Dragojević. Učesnici radionica bile su studentkinje i studenti druge i treće godine studija Grafičkog dizajna na Univerzitetu Donja Gorica.
Radovi nastali na radionicama biće predstavljeni na izložbi “Portfolio nenasilja”, koju organizuju CŽP i Odbor za rodnu ravnopravnost Skupštine Crne Gire, u Skupštini Crne Gore, u okviru obilježavanja 8. marta, Međunarodnog dana žena.