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Training “Providing support services to women who experienced violence
Training “Institutionalization of quality rehabilitation and integration services for victims of violence” was organized by WRC on June 30, 2021, in Rozaje. Participants of the training were professionals on gender-based violence and protection and support mechanisms for employees and volunteers of NGO Ikra, which provide support to women with experience of violence, as well as for the representatives employed in the elementary school 25. maj, Rožaje.
The following topics are covered during the training: Forms of violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention), prejudices about violence against women and domestic violence, specificity of partnerships / family relationships, abuse of power and control, dynamics and mechanisms of domestic violence, victims of violence who belong to marginalized social groups, basic principles of providing support to victims, including understanding the rules of conversation with the victim and about children as victims and witnesses of domestic violence.
The regional project “Institutionalization of quality rehabilitation and integration services for victims of violence”, which was financially supported by the Austrian Development Agency, aims to contribute to improving the quality of rehabilitation and reintegration services for women with experience of gender-based violence. It is implemented in partnership between the Autonomous Women’s Center in Belgrade, the Center for Women’s Rights in Podgorica, the United Women Foundation in Banja Luka, the Kosovo Women’s Network, the Women’s Empowerment Network (AWEN) in Albania, GADC in Albania and the National Network Against Violence Women and Domestic Violence (NNVW) from Northern Macedonia.