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Monitoring and evaluation of policies for combating human trafficking in MNE 2018-2020
The report “Monitoring and evaluation of policies for combating human trafficking in Montenegro 2018-2020” was created as part of the activities of the regional project Balkans ACT (Action Against Trafficking) Now! (BAN phase 3) funded by the European Commission and implemented by the NGO Astra (Serbia), in cooperation with the International Solidarity Forum – Emmaus (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Women’s Rights Center (Montenegro), the Center for Legal Initiatives (Albania), the Association for action against violence and human trafficking – Open Gate La Strada (Macedonia) and the Dutch Helsinki Committee (Netherlands).
The report analyzing the legal framework and implementation of anti-trafficking policies in Montenegro was prepared for the Women’s Rights Center by an expert consultant, Dr. Olivera Komar, in cooperation with members of the working group formed for the project by representatives of the Women’s Rights Center and relevant state institutions.
You can download the report here: