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Letter to the President of the Parliament: Involvement of Women in the Work of the Collegium
In a letter regarding the participation of women in the work of the Parliament Collegium, WRC expressed gratitude to Mr. Becic, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro for his quick response to our open letter, for his readiness to make the Parliament the driving force of the necessary changes and determination to make maximum efforts in the direction of improving the position of women, increasing their visibility and representation in state institutions and social life of Montenegro.
In the spirit of sharing this approach, we would like to bring into focus the information published by the media – that there are no women at the head of the six newly formed parliamentary clubs This is not only important on a symbolic level, but also means that, as things now stand, women will not attend the sessions of the Collegium of the President of the Parliament.
This means that the woman will not be at the table to discuss the issues of organization and work of the Parliament and parliamentary committees and measures of their improvement, including the area of gender equality.
If there are no women at the head of parliamentary clubs, it means that women in the Parliament of Montenegro will not be involved in planning the work of the Parliament and its sessions, nor the proposed agenda of the session.
They will not participate in the work of the body deciding on the budget of the Parliament and its services.
They will not be represented in deciding on the Assembly’s cooperation with bodies and organizations in Montenegro and parliamentary cooperation with other countries and international organizations.
Not being included in the Collegium of the President of the Parliament, women will not be able to have a place at the table in the Parliament of Montenegro where the most important decisions for its functioning are brought.
In order to start fulfilling the commitment to the goals stated in the first paragraph of the President of the Parliament’s response to a “Women’s Rights Center” letter requesting the initiation of the process of engendering the House of Representatives, WRC appeals to the Parliament of Montenegro and the President of the Parliament to provide women with membership in the Collegium of the President of the President, as well as minimal representation of 30% in the overall management structure.