With this project, the “Women's Rights Center” aims to provide young women with space to acquire and share knowledge in the field of women's political, economic, social and cultural rights, to establish cooperation and solidarity in the field of women's activism and…
Women’s Rights Center won the Award for affirmation of human rights and civic activism for 2018, awarded by Center for civic education within the scope of the festival “FastForward”.
“Montenegrin society lives and balances on duality, whose insufficiently emphasized part is duality…
Panel discussion was held within the conference “Protection of human rights and freedoms in Montenegro”, marking the International day of human rights. Conference was organized by the Council of Europe, Civic alliance, EU Delegation to Montenegro and Montenegrin association of lawyers.
On the occasion of marking the 10th December – International day of human rights, representative of Women’s Rights Center, Marko Jusić participated in the Living Library organized by the Volunteer Club and Student parliament of the Gymnasium “Slobodan Škerović”. The goal was…
Women’s Rights Center launched an online survey during November on discrimination at workplace. Survey is a part of an overall research which is conducted within the project Furthering women’s labour rights, which will last for 4 years and is financially supported by…
On November 23rd, WRC started a two-day expert gathering for representatives of judiciary about the practical implementation of the UN Convention on Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). CEDAW Convention is the most important international instrument for protection of…