Podgorica, 15th October, 2018
Council of Europe Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence – GREVIO published its first report on assessment of the situation in Montenegro when it comes to implementation of the Council of Europe…

"Centar za ženska prava", u saradnji sa švedskom fondacijom Kvinna till Kvinna, organizovao je predstavljanje izvještaja „Gušenje pokreta – Sužavanje prostora za ženska prava“. Izvještaj je nastao kroz istraživanje fondacije Kvinna till Kvinna i prikazuje na koje sve načine se sužava prostor…
Yesterday Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation, in cooperation with Women's Rights Center, presented the report Suffocating the Movement – Shrinking space for women's rights in Podgorica and organized a panel discussion with representatives of NGOs in Montenegro.
Maja Stajčić Riza Aragon introduced the…
Women's Rights Center is publishing vacancy announcement for
Data Collection Assistant (two positions)
for development of the National Report on Trafficking in Human Beings 2018-2019
under the framework of the project “Balkans Act (Against Crime of Trafficking) Now!
BAN III, phase 3
Women's Rights Center is publishing vacancy announcement for
Data Collection Assistant (two positions)
for development of the National Report on Trafficking in Human Beings 2018-2019
under the framework of the project “Balkans Act (Against Crime of Trafficking) Now!
BAN III, phase 3…

NVO "Centar za ženska prava" partner je u trećoj fazi projekta za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima Balkans ACT (Against Crime of Trafficking) NOW! – BAN III.
Balkans Act Now je NVO platforma osnovana u okviru istoimenog projekta uz podršku Evropske unije, a…
The NGO Women's Rights Center is a partner in the third phase of the Balkans ACT (Against Crime of Trafficking) NOW! - BAN III. BAN III is a continuation of the previous two BAN phases that were also financially supported by the…

Beograd, jul 2018.
Predstavnice Centra za ženska prava, Sigurne ženske kuće i Akcije za ljudska prava su uspješno završile tri akreditovane obuke Autonomnog ženskog centra iz Beograda "Nasilje u porodici i institucionalna zaštita", "Organizovanje Konferencija slučajeva za zaštitu od nasilja u porodici" i…
Belgrade, July 2018
Representatives of Women's Rights Center, Women's Safe House and Human Rights Action successfully completed three certified trainings organized by Autonomous Women’s Center from Belgrade, “Family violence and institutional protection”, “Organizing Conference of cases for protection against family violence” and…

Kroz program ,,U fokusu”, koji CŽP realizuje u saradnji sa Underhill festom, nastojimo da aktualizujemo one teme koje su značajne ne samo za žene, nego i za cijelo društvo.Program su otvorili umjetnički direktor UnderhillFesta Vuk Perović i Tanja Markuš, koordinatorka kulturnog programa…