The 2020 International Women’s Day march, organized under the slogan "Scram fascism", calls for the fight against fascism and its manifestations - chauvinism, misogyny and nationalism, against political and economic inequality of women, institutional and social tolerance of violence against women and…
Osmomartovski marš 2020. godine, organizovan pod sloganom "Mrš fašizmu" poziva na borbu protiv fašizma, i njegovih naličja - šovinizma, mizoginije i nacionalzma, protiv političke i ekonomske nejednakosti žena, institucionalne i društvene tolerancije nasilja nad ženama i siromaštva, za očuvanje i proširivanje konstantno…
Donor: European Commission
Implementation period: March 2020 - February 2024
Project partners: “Kvinna Till Kvinna” Foundation - Sweden, “Reactor - Research In Action” - Macedonia (project holders), “Women's RightsCenter” - Montenegro, “Rights for All” - BiH, AWEN - Albania, ”Kosovo Women Network”…
„Centar za ženska prava“ i ove godine organizuje bubnjarske radionice „Bit Protesta“, na kojima ćemo pripremiti program 5. Osmomartovskog marša. Radionice, na kojima će učesnici/e imati priliku da steknu osnovna znanja ritmičkih vještina, vodiće Nina Perović, kompozitorka, u…
We participated in a meeting with Prime Minister Dusko Markovic, held in December 2019, where we raised important issues regarding shortcomings in victim protection, institutional discrimination and passivity of institutions in protecting the rights of women and children, with particular reference to…
Na sastanku sa premijerom Duškom Markovićem, održanom u decembru 2019. godine, pokrenule smo važna pitanja koja se tiču zaštite žrtava, institucionalne diskriminacije i pasivnosti institucija u zaštiti prava žena i djece, sa posebnim osvrtom na neke od nedavnih slučajeva koje pratimo. Takođe…
At the meeting with Prime Minister Dusko Markovic, held in December 2019, we raised important issues regarding the protection of victims, institutional discrimination and passivity of institutions in the protection of women's and children's rights, with special reference to some of the…
WRC is organizing drum workshops "Beat of the Protest II", where we will prepare the manifest of the 5th International Women's Day March. Workshops, where participants will have the opportunity to acquire basic knowledge of rhythmic skills, will…
Kosovo Women’s Fund and Women’s Rights Center Allocate Nearly €200 Thousand to 14 Organizations in the Region
The Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN), Women’s Rights Centre (WRC) from Montenegro and their partners in the Coalition of Women’s Rights Organisations against Discrimination in…
Mreža žena Kosova i Centar za ženska prava, sa partnerima dodijelili su oko 200 hiljada eura za 14 organizacija iz regiona
januar 2020. godine
Mreža žena Kosova (MŽK), "Centar za ženska prava" i partneri iz Koalicije organizacija koje…