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Promoting gender equality through the EU accession process
Donor: European Commission
Implementation period: March 2020 – February 2024
Project partners: “Kvinna Till Kvinna” Foundation – Sweden, “Reactor – Research In Action” – Macedonia (project holders), “Women’s RightsCenter” – Montenegro, “Rights for All” – BiH, AWEN – Albania, ”Kosovo Women Network” – Kosovo. The project collaborators are the Department for Gender Equality of the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights – Montenegro and the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare – Macedonia.
The project focuses on enhancing regional co-operation between civil society organizations working on women’s rights, research and gender analysis for policy proposing, evidence-based advocacy and monitoring EU accession-related reforms, with a view to advancing gender equality in the Western Balkans through the accession process. The overall goal of this four-year action is to enhance and expand existing regional cooperation, to strengthen participatory democracies and to implement an inclusive gender-sensitive EU accession process. The specific objectives of the action include: Improving the capacity of the civil sector to effectively connect with EU governments, delegations and offices (EUD / EUO), local and regional civil society organizations and enhancing the accountability of governments and the EUD / EUO in implementing gender equality and women’s rights obligations during the EU accession process.