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The state fails to investigate the omissions of the institutions in the case of Sheila Bakija
Saturday, October 30, marks one month since the murder of Sheila Bakija, a victim of domestic violence, committed by Ilir Djokaj, who is charged with aggravated murder and illegal possession of explosive devices.
As we have pointed out before, in this case there were serious failures of institutions dealing with the prevention and protection from domestic violence and violence against women.
The omissions also occurred in the case of the murder of 36-year-old E.Š. from Petnjica and the severe beating of her fifteen-year-old daughter, committed by their husband and father in the presence of minor children.
Both cases were reported to the competent institutions and both victims remained unprotected from the perpetrators who took their lives.
The obligation of the state is to protect the lives of its citizens, especially when they openly request this protection and report threats to their lives.
It is the duty of the state to detailly examine, investigate and determine responsibility for the failure of institutions to protect lives.
The state of Montenegro did not do that, not even a month after the murder of Sejla Bakija, nor in the case from Petnjica, where the violence was known to everyone and reported several times, and where the victims of violence were also minor children.
We would like to inform the public that so far only the Minister of the Internal Affairs has responded to the request to attend the session of the Operational Team, at which it was decided to make an independent analysis of the actions of all institutions in the case of Sheila Bakija’s murder.
We are also seeking justice for the family from Petnjica!
That is why we repeat the previously stated demands, which we will not give up and of which we will, as long as necessary, remind the representatives of the state and institutions that are obliged to prevent violence and protect victims. We are looking for:
- An emergency session of the Government, which will be attended by the heads of the Police Administration, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare, which will analyze the omissions of competent institutions in the case of the murder of Sheila Bakija and E.Š. from Petnjica.
-Determining the responsibility of all officials in the chain of protection against violence, who made mistakes in this case.
- Concrete measures that the Government and the competent institutions will take to improve the protection of women and children from violence and not to repeat the obvious omissions in the actions of the competent institutions.
We want to support Sheila’s family and all victims of domestic violence in their request for justice and protection.
On Saturday, October 30, at 12:00 at the Cijevna Cemetery (Karabuško Polje), we will lay flowers at the place where Šejla Bakija is buried.
Women’s Rights Center and Development Movement of Tuzi