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Small School of Smashing Patriarchy II

The second “Small School of Smashing Patriarchy” was held in the period from December 9 to 12, 2020. The goal of the school was to create an atmosphere for improving the position of women in society through the education of students on the principles of feminist activism and gender equality, as well as for substantial changes in social norms that contribute to the prevalence of discrimination and violence against women.
During lectures given by Maja Raičević, WRC Executive Director, the participants got acquainted with the history of the women’s movement in Montenegro, while Maja Račević and Ana Jaredić, WRC psychologist, spoke about the problem of violence against women, with special reference to domestic violence and the psychological dynamics of this problem. The lecture on the topic of sexual objectification of women was given by the designer Milica Šaranović, and the painter Tanja Markuš spoke about the issue of the representation of feminist values in art practice. The lecture on gender identities was given by Jovan Ulićević, Executive Director of the NGO “Spektra”.
During the lecture led by Maja Raičević, WRC Executive Director, the participants were introduced to the history of the women’s movement in Montenegro, the principles of organizing women in order to fight for equality and emancipation of society in different historical periods. Psychologist Ana Jaredić and Maja Račević spoke about the causes and nature of gender-based violence, discussing the forms and prevalence of this problem, recognizing and understanding the phenomenon of domestic violence, with a focus on partner violence and principles of protection from violence. Lecture on the topic of sexual objectification of women, focused on defining forms of behavior that can be characterized as sexually objectifying, the role that men and women have in the process of sexual objectification and the negative consequences of this attitude towards women on victims of sexual objectification and society in general was held by designer Milica Šaranović. Painter Tanja Markuš spoke about the portrayal of women and the causes of the under-representation of female authors in the history of art, as well as about the feminist artistic narratives of individual poetics that laid the foundations of feminist discourse in the field of art. Lecture on gender identities through the research of the concept of gender, gender, gender expression and their different perceptions was held by Jovan Ulićević, Executive Director of the NGO “Spektra”.