U decembru 2015. godine, Centar za ženska prava predstavio je svoje aktivnosti u oblasti socijalnog preduzetništva na konferenciji pod nazivom “Razvoj socijalnog preduzetništva u Crnoj Gori”, koju je organizovala TACSO kancelarija u Podgorici u saradnji sa Vladinom kancelarijom za saradnju sa NVO…
In December 2015, WRC presented its activities in the area of social entrepreneurship at the conference titled “Development of social entrepreneurship in Montenegro”, organized by TACSO office in Montenegro in cooperation with Government Office for cooperation with NGO sector and Center for…
On Friday 27th of November 2015, Human Rights Action (HRA) and Women’s Rights Center (WRC) organized a forum “Pussy Riot – global symbol of rebellion” in the “Karver” bookstore, which included the screening of “Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer” by Mike Lerner…
n August 2015, "Women's Rights Center" began the implementation of the project "Workshops for the Improvement of the Process of Resocialization of Female Persons Imprisoned at the Institute for Execution of Criminal Sanctions" This project is being implemented in partnership with the…
Today in the Parliament of Montenegro it is being decided about the Draft law on amendments to the law on social and child protection, by which mothers of three or more children will be provided with the right of lifetime monthly compensation…