#Unwanted – Campaign against prenatal sex selection
We live in a country which valorizes boys more than girls.
Because of that Montenegro is facing a huge social problem of prenatal sex selection, which has already damaged the natural ratio of newborn boys…
NGOs Women’s Rights Center, Women’s Safe House and SOS Hotline Niksic asked the supreme state prosecutor Ivaca Stanković and the minister of internal affairs Mevludin Nuhodžić to determine a personal responsibility of the professionals in order to stop the cases of family…

Nacionalna konferencija o prevenciji nasilja, sa temom „Nasilje nad LGBTIQ osobama i rodno zasnovano nasilje u Crnoj Gori“, koja se organizuje uz podršku Ambasade Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u Podgorici i u saradnji sa Upravom policije Crne Gore.
Cilj konferencije je da ukaže…
National conference on preventing violence “Violence against LGBTIQ persons and gender based violence in Montenegro” organized with the support of the American Embassy in Montenegro and in cooperation with the Police of Montenegro.
The aim of the conference was to point at…
WRC presented their products, t-shirts and bags, within the exhibition of Jelena Tomašević, organized by the NGO Koncept in a newly opened galary “Koncept art space”.
On 27th September, Women's Rights Center sent a letter for urgent solving of the unfavorable position of women whose compensations, based on giving birth to three or more children, were revoked.
Download the letter here.