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Call for Proposals, BAN III
In the framework of the project ““Balkans Act Now! – BAN III”,” financed by the European Union and implemented by the Women's Rights Center (WRC) in Montenegro in partnership with the ASTRA-Anti Trafficking Action, Serbia, Center for Legal Initiatives (CLCI) in Albania, International Forum of Solidarity – EMMAUS, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Association for Action Against Violence and Trafficking in Human Beings – Open Gate La Strada, Northern Macedonia and Netherlands Helsinki Committee, Netherlands, a Call for Proposals under the Sub-Granting Scheme is launched.
The overall objective of this EU project funded under Consolidating Regional Thematic Networks of Civil Society Organizations, Reference EuropeAid/154870/DH/ACT/Multy is: To contribute to enhancing participatory democracies and the EU integration process in Serbia, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina by strengthening civil society impact on human trafficking victim’s outcomes as well as CSO’ s capacity and capability to effectively dialogue with governments producing lasting change.
The key objective of sub-granting scheme is to contribute to monitoring capacity of CSOs to monitor and collect data for reporting on implementation of the legal framework and policies regarding trafficking in human beings, with focus on the rights of women victims of THB.
The full Guidelines for Applicants are available HERE.
The overall amount made available under this Call for Proposals is EUR 10 000 (ten thousand).
Women's Rights Center aims to award 2 (two) projects, which must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts of grants: minimum amount: EUR 5000 (five thousand) and maximum amount: EUR 5000 (five thousand).
Deadline for requesting any clarifications from the Contracting Authority is 15th July 2019. women.mne@gmail.com
Deadline for submission of the application: July 31, 2019, 16:00h
Notification of award will be in the first week of September, 2019.
The application package and related information can be found HERE.