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Call for Project proposals Extended
Call for project proposals within the project “Institutionalization of quality rehabilitation and integration services for victims of violence” has been extended until May 20th 2022.
The regional project “Institutionalization of quality rehabilitation and integration services for victims of violence” aims to contribute to improving the quality of rehabilitation and reintegration services for women with experience of gender-based violence. It is implemented in partnership between the Autonomous Women’s Center in Belgrade, the Center for Women’s Rights in Podgorica, the United Women Foundation in Banja Luka, the Kosovo Women’s Network, the Women’s Empowerment Network (AWEN) in Albania, GADC in Albania and the National Network Against Violence Women and Domestic Violence (NNVW) from Northern Macedonia.
Within the project, a total of 10 (ten) civil society organizations in Montenegro will receive support through sub-grants during the three-year project that began implementation in December 2019. Under this second call for projects, 8 (eight) organizations will receive support for the implementation of activities specified in this call. The purpose of the sub-grants is to enable organizations implementing programs in the field of prevention and suppression of gender-based violence and to provide support and assistance to women survivors of violence to monitor the work of public institutions in providing support and assistance to women, advocating for the adoption of bylaws, programs and public policies aimed at improving the provision of services and the quality of rehabilitation and reintegration of survivors, with a focus on social housing.
Local non-governmental organizations operating in Montenegro that have previous experience in monitoring the work of public institutions in providing support and assistance to women and work on the preparation and implementation of public advocacy actions aimed at improving service delivery and rehabilitation and reintegration of survivors of gender-based violence. Preference is given to organizations specializing in supporting women who have suffered violence and organizations providing support services to women from marginalized groups (Roma and Egyptian women, minorities, LBT people, women with disabilities, women from rural areas, etc.).
The deadline for submitting project proposals is Friday, May 20 2022, by 5:00 p.m. All completed forms must be sent by e-mail to: women.mne@gmail.com by 17:00, marked “Call for projects”.
WRC will announce which projects have been selected for support through sub-grants by May 27, 2022. If you have questions regarding the call or the application, you can contact us via e-mail women.mne@gmail.com no later than May 15, 2022.
Application forms: