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Award for affirmation of human rights and civic activism
Women’s Rights Center won the Award for affirmation of human rights and civic activism for 2018, awarded by Center for civic education within the scope of the festival “FastForward”.
“Montenegrin society lives and balances on duality, whose insufficiently emphasized part is duality towards women. Women are celebrated and praised, but also limited and oppressed in individual and professional strivings. We still have a strong misogyny present, which is visible through family violence and through public attacks on those women who, in their fields of acting, work and speak autonomously. All of this, of course, stands for those women who were wanted enough to be born. What about those who were unwanted? For years Women’s Rights Center has been systematically and responsibly providing support to women victims of violence. And through the #Unwanted campaign, who couldn’t leave anyone indifferent, they’ve have put that well hidden topic in front of everyone so it could not be ignored anymore.” stated the executive director of Center for civic education, Daliborka Uljarević, on the occasion of giving the award.