At the Fair of innovative ideas held on 15th March 2016, representative of Women’s Rights Center presented their creative workshops for sewing and print screening intended for youth and women who are facing family violence as well as single mothers. The Fair…
Centar za ženska prava je 15. marta na Sajmu inovativnih ideja predstavio kreativne radionice za šivenje i sito štampu namijenjene za mlade i žene suočene sa nasiljem u porodici kao i za samohrane majke. Sajam je održan u sklopu projekta „Ubrzanje razvoja…

Istraživanje o percepciji predstavnika pravosuđa o nasilju u porodici i nasilju nad ženama sprovela je međunarodna agencija IPSOS Strategic Marketing, u okviru projekta „Pristup pravdi za žrtve nasilja u porodici”, koji je realizovala Kancelarija Programa Ujedinjenih nacija za razvoj u Crnoj Gori…
Women’s Rights Center and UNDP Office in Montenegro presented the results of the research on perception of representatives of judiciary on family violence and violence against women
At the 58th session of the Council for gender equality, attended by representatives of judiciary,…

Povodom Međunarodnog dana žena 8. marta 2016. godine, Centar za ženska prava je, u saradnji sa NVO Anima iz Kotora, organizovao prvi Marš povodom međunarodnog dana žena i konferenciju pod sloganom “Socijalna pravda - nećemo odustati”.
Stanje ženskih ljudskih prava u Crnoj…
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, 8th March 2016, Women’s Rights Center in cooperation with NGO Anima from Kotor organized the first women’s march and conference of women, under slogan “Social justice – we won’t give up”. Many organizations have publicly…

Centar za ženska prava je u Podgorici 7. marta 2016. godine, potpisao Memorandum o saradnji sa Vrhovnim sudom Crne Gore. Svrha Memoranduma je razmjena informacija i saradnja Vrhovnog suda i Centra za ženska prava na implementaciji projekata i aktivnosti u oblasti zaštite…
With the aim of contributing to better protection of women against violence and family violence, combating discrimination of women and promoting equality between women and men, today we signed a Memorandum of cooperation with the Supreme Court of Montenegro.
President of the…