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Report Launch: Gender-Based Discrimination and Labour in Montenegro
The Women’s rights center is inviting you to the launch of the Gender-based discrimination and Labour in Montenegro report.
Podgorica, the 11th of April 2022
The Women’s Rights Center invites you to the launch of the Gender-based Discrimination and Labour in Montenegro report. The event will take place on April 11th, from 13:00 to 15:00 at the Hotel Cue in Podgorica.
In the present political context in Montenegro and in the Western Balkan region as a whole, women’s civil society organisations (WCSOs) are the leading voices monitoring gender-based discrimination in labour, promoting women’s economic rights, and calling for more just, inclusive and equal access to labour. The European Union (EU) is especially well-placed to support women’s economic rights in Montenegro and in the Western Balkans, where governments aspire to EU membership and the EU requires gender equality reforms as part of the EU accession process. Despite this requirement, public information and data on gender-based discrimination in labour in Montenegro remains limited.
To fill this information gap, The Women’s Rights Center (Women’s Rights Center) has conducted research on gender-based discrimination in labour. This is a second edition of the research conducted in 2018 and published in 2019 (https://womensrightscenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Rodno_zasnovana_diskriminacija_eng.pdf), wherein the same methodology was repeated to gauge whether or not there have been improvements in this field. Besides the research findings, the report contains an overview of the legal framework and recommendations for the EU, national institutions and other relevant stakeholders in the context of women’s equal access to labour and economic livelihood. The research was financed by the EU and co-financed by the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency.
The procedural languages will be Montenegrin and English, with simultaneous translation during the event.
Please confirm your participation latest until the 7th of April 2022 by e-mail to Izabela Kordic: izabelakordic.wrc@gmail.com
Media contact : Gana Čomagić, ganacomagic.wrc@gmail.com
Below, you can find the agenda of the event.
The event will be moderated by Gana Comagic, the project PR at the Women’s Rights Center
13:00 –13:10 | Introduction and opening statement, Maja Raičević (executive director at the Women’s rights center) |
13:10 -13:40 13:40 –13:55 | RESEARCH PRESENTATION Presentation of the research report Gender-Based Discrimination and Labour in Montenegro; methodology, analyses, findings, and limitations by Dr Olivera Komar (main project researcher) Legal framework and discrimination protection mechanisms Ivana Mihajlović, legal advisor |
13:55 –14:25 | CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANISATION INTERVENTION Free legal aid for gender-based discrimination survivors in labour Jovana Pavlović (lawyer at the Women’s rights center) Ana Savic, coordinator at the Association of Youth with Disabilities |
14:25 –14:45 | Q&A SESSION Discussion facilitated by event moderator. All questions submitted via Zoom “Chat” feature |
14:40-15:00 15:00 | CLOSING STATEMENTS LUNCH |