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Panel discussion “Preventing violence against women”
Panel discussion was held within the conference “Protection of human rights and freedoms in Montenegro”, marking the International day of human rights. Conference was organized by the Council of Europe, Civic alliance, EU Delegation to Montenegro and Montenegrin association of lawyers.
President of the Supreme Court of Montenegro talked about GREVIO recommendations and the need for their efficient implementation in Montenegro, and the joint message of the panelist was the necessity of more intensive efforts in the area of prevention and protection from violence against women.
Participants were: Ms. Vesna Medenica, president of the Supreme Court of Montenegro, Ms. Valentina Pavličić, representative of Montenegro before European court for human rights, Mr. Suad Numanović, member of the Board for human rights and freedoms in the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr. Paul Planas, OHCHR, Mr. Bojan Božović, member of the Board of Montenegrin association of lawyers.
Moderator of the panel was Maja Raičević, executive director of Women’s Rights Center.