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First mutual session of the Parliamentary Board for EI and the PB for international relations and emigrants
In February 2018, executive director of WRC participated at the first mutual session of the Parliamentary Board for European Integrations and the Parliamentary Board for international relations and emigrants in Podgorica that was organized on occasion of the visit to Montenegro of the European Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations, Mr. Johannes Hahn. Mr. Hann presented enlargement package and received questions by CSO representatives and MPs.
WRC representative asked the question on how the new EU Enlargement Strategy envisages the issue of gender equality and position of women in the enlargement countries. Commissioner Hahn responded that the issue is recognized as an important part of the enlargement process.
The following is the video link of WRC representative forming a question to the European Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn