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Experience-based counselling for victims of partner violence
“Women’s Rights Center” in partnership with the NGO “Women’s and Children’s Rights Network”, provides women victims of partner violence faced with problems related to contact with children with counseling with experienced experts..
Experiential counseling includes individual counseling with experts with relevant experience in the field of protection against violence against women. This type of support is important because it guarantees a woman a sense of equality in relation to the counselor and the awareness that the person she is talking to understands her because they share the experience. A particularly important segment of this type of counseling is the woman’s awareness that she is not alone in the experience, which is a significant factor in overcoming trauma.

You can contact our experts every working day from 17:30 to 19:30, via the telephone number 067 407 713 (mobile or viber).
The service was launched within the project “Support to mothers who experienced violence through self-support groups and experiential counseling”, funded by the Ministry of Finance and Social Welfare of Montenegro.