Psihološkinja Centra za ženska prava, Ana Jaredić govorila je za televiziju Vijesti o diskriminaciji žena na radnim mjestima. Istakla je da su žene najviše ugrožene kada je riječ o nasilju u porodici, a kršenje radnih i mnogih drugih prava i dalje se…
WRC psychologist Ana Jaredić gave an interview for the television Vijesti on workplace gender discrimination. She emphasized that women are endangered the most when it comes to family violence, and that violation of employee rights are still rarely reported.
More about the…
Izvršna direktorka Centra za ženska prava prisustvovala je 20. maja sastanku Parlamentarnog odbora Evropske unije (EU) i Crne Gore za stabilizaciju i pridruživanje (POSP).
On 20th May, executive director of Women’s Rights Center attended the meeting of Parliamentary council of EU and Montenegro for stabilization and accession (POSP).
On 20th of April students of the Gymnasium “Petar I Petrović Njegoš” from Danilovgrad, had the opportunity to attend the lecture about human trafficking and women’s rights held by a representative of Women’s Rights Center.
The lecture was a part of the…
Participation in the panel discussion in Brussels “Gender equality in the process of EIâ€Â
Participation in the panel discussion in Brussels on 18th of April, on the topic ”Gender equality in the process of European integrations”, together with the rest of the members of the European women’s lobby.
Izvšna direktorka Centra za ženska prava, Maja Raičević učestvovala je na panel diskusiji u Briselu 18. aprila na temu Rodna ravnopravnost u procesu evropskih integracija, zajedno sa ostalim članovima Evropskog ženskog lobija.
U prostorijama Centra za ženska prava održana je radionica o socijalnom preduzetništvu. Gošće su bile ambasadorka Australije Mrs. Julia Feeney i Biljana Jovanović, direktorica kompanije "Luna". Radionici su prisustvovale većina lokalnih organizacija.
On 22nd March a workshop on social entrepreneurship was held in the premises of Women’s Rights Center. Our guests were Mrs. Julia Feeney, ambassador of Australia and Biljana Jovanović, head of the “Luna” company. The workshop was attended by many local organizations.
At the Fair of innovative ideas held on 15th March 2016, representative of Women’s Rights Center presented their creative workshops for sewing and print screening intended for youth and women who are facing family violence as well as single mothers. The Fair…