On 23rd of September in the garden of Dvorac Petrovića, WRC held their 3rd annual humanitarian bazaar titled “Noise in Fashion”.
Besides our regular designer products signed by Kosmogorac, this year’s special guest was internationally recognized Montenegrin artist Jelena Tomašević.
Part of…
Izvršna direktorica Centra za ženska prava, Maja Raičević, kao članica radne grupe za izradu Strategije zaštite djece od nasilja sa Akcionim planom za period 2017-2021, učestvovala je u studijskoj posjeti Hrvatskoj u periodu od 7. do 9. septembra.
Executive director of WRC Maja Raičević, as a member of the working group for drafting the Strategy for protection of children against violence with Action plan for the period 2017-2021, participated in a study visit to Croatia in the period of 7-9…
On 22nd of July 2016, NGO Women’s Rights Center and Ministry for human and minority rights have signed a Memorandum on intensifying future cooperation.
Signed parties will more closely cooperate on flow of information and project implementation, as well as on activities…
Roundtable “Exercising rights to compensation for victims of criminal acts of violence in Montenegro – Proposed amendment to the Law on compensation for victims of criminal acts of violence” organized by NGO Women’s Rights Center, within the scope of regional project Balkans…
On 6th of June, Women’s Rights Center in cooperation with UnderhillFest opened the program “In Focus” at the National library “Radosav Ljumović”. Film Sonita by an Iranian director Rokhsareh GhaemMaghami was screened the first night. After the film, first panel discussion was…
Representatives of Women’s Rights Center participated on 1st June at the International conference in Belgrade “Protection of human trafficking victims – approach based on the rights of victims in practice”, where they presented the results of monitoring condition in the field of…
On 25th of May, in cooperation with other NGOs from Montenegro, Women’s Rights Center organized the protest in front of the city parliament on regarding the convention “She is here”. With banners “Who is she?” “I am poor”, “I am a laborer”,…
Centar za ženska prava prisustvovao je okupljanju ženskih organizacija u okviru mreže WAVE - Žene Evrope protiv nasilja, koje su u maju pokrenule kampanju „Step up! – Istupi!“, tokom koje će naredne dvije godine promovisati prava žena žrtava nasilja i njihove djece…
Women’s Rights Center participated at the gathering of women’s organizations within the WAVE network – Women of Europe against violence, who in May initiated the campaign “Step up!” during which the following two years they will promote rights of women who are…