“Foundations of democratic education” - Training within Council of Europe’s Pestalozzi program
“Foundations of democratic education”- Psychologist of WRC was one of the participants of the training within Council of Europe’s Pestalozzi program. Training was part of the project “Strengthening the education…
CŽP je tokom februara i marta prošao kroz tri faze strateškog planiranja na kojem se detaljno razradio plan organizacije sa aktivnostima za naredne 3 godine. U okviru strateškog planiranja završili smo detaljno opise poslova i podijelili odgovornosti i dužnosti svih zaposlenih.
During February and March WRC went through three phases of strategic planning where they developed the organization plan with activities for the following 3 years. Within the scope of the strategic planning we’ve completed the job description and divided the responsibilities and…
Izvršna direktorica CŽP prisustvovala je 21-22.marta konferenciji "Jačanje regionalne mreže braniteljka/ki ljudskih prava Zapadnog Balkana, Istočne Evrope i Turske" u Briselu. Uvodnu riječ su imali g. Omer Fisher, šef odjeljenja za ljudska prava OSCE/ODIHR i Pietro Ducci.
Ciljevi konferencije: Predstaviti braniteljima ljudskih…
On 21st and 22nd March executive director of WRC attended the Conference “Strengthening Regional Human Rights Defenders’ Networks in the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Turkey” held at the European Parliament premises in Brussels, Belgium. The following were the objectives of the…
In February 2017, WRC addressed an open letter to the Government of Montenegro regarding the possible termination of compensation to mothers with three or more children. More on the link.
And in March WRC addressed an appeal to the Government of Montenegro…
Konferencija „FEMICID: svako ubistvo žene – odgovornost i sramota zločinca, države i društva“ u organizaciji Mreže "Žene protiv nasilja" održana je u Beogradu, u hotelu Park, 6. i 7. marta 2017. godine. Konferenciji je prisustvovalo oko sto aktivistkinja iz Srbije, kao i…
WRC representatives participated at the Conference “FEMICIDE: every homicide of a woman – responsibility and shame of the perpetrator, country and society” organized by Women against Violence Network in Belgrade on 6th and 7th March 2017. The Conference was attended by more…