In February, representatives of WRC participated in the training on the topic of Public advocacy organized by Trag foundation, developed their capacities in that field and conveyed the knowledge to other members of the organization.
NGO Capacity building for reporting to the UN CEDAW Committee and to the Council of Europe's Group of Experts (GREVIO)
On 23rd and 24th of January, WRC organized a two-day meeting with representatives of Autonomous women’s center from Belgrade. First day…
Izgradnja kapaciteta nevladinih organizacija za izvještavanje UN CEDAW Komitetu i Ekspertskoj grupi (GREVIO)
23-24 januara CŽP je u svojim prostorijama organizovao dvodnevni sastanak sa predstavnicama Autonomnog ženskog centra iz Beograda. Prvog dana sastanka prisustvovale su advokatice CŽP, a drugog dana partnerske…
WRC’s psychologist Ana Jaredić, appeared on “Roditeljski kutak” within the scope of the program “Boje Jutra” on TV Vijesti. She talked about divorce and its effect on children.

Psihološkinja Centra za ženska prava, Ana Jaredić, u "Roditeljskom kutku", koji se emituje u okviru programa "Boje jutra" na televiziji "Vijesti", govori o razvodu braka i njegovom uticaju na djecu.

CŽP Izvještaj o radu 2012 - 2017 Download
WRC Report 2012 - 2017Download

Protestna šetnja „Danas bi bile među nama“, čiji učesnici su se kretali od Trga Nezavisnosti, prolazeći pored zgrada Vrhovnog državnog tužilaštva, Skupštine i Vlade, organizovana je povodom nesavjesnog postupanja institucija u slučajevima nasilja nad ženama i nasilja u porodici.
Iz Centra za…
On 10th December, the Protest march “Today they would have been among us”, whose participants walked from Independence square, next to the buildings of Supreme state prosecution, Parliament and Government, was organized on the occasion of malpractice of institutions in cases of…