We participated in a meeting with Prime Minister Dusko Markovic, held in December 2019, where we raised important issues regarding shortcomings in victim protection, institutional discrimination and passivity of institutions in protecting the rights of women and children, with particular reference to…

Na sastanku sa premijerom Duškom Markovićem, održanom u decembru 2019. godine, pokrenule smo važna pitanja koja se tiču zaštite žrtava, institucionalne diskriminacije i pasivnosti institucija u zaštiti prava žena i djece, sa posebnim osvrtom na neke od nedavnih slučajeva koje pratimo. Takođe…

At the meeting with Prime Minister Dusko Markovic, held in December 2019, we raised important issues regarding the protection of victims, institutional discrimination and passivity of institutions in the protection of women's and children's rights, with special reference to some of the…