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Results of the Call for Submission of Project Proposals
Within the framework of the project “Balkans Act NOW! – BAN III”, funded by European Union, implemented by Women’s rights center (Montenegro), ASTRA – Anti trafficking action (Serbia), Center for legal civic initiatives (Albania), International forum of solidarity – EMMAUS (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Open Gate La Strada (North Macedonia) and Netherlands Helsinki Committee we are announcing The results of the call for submitting the proposals of the project under the sub-grant scheme.
The project Journalists against human trafficking has fulfilled the conditions of the contest. The entrant of project is The society of professional journalists of Montenegro (DPNCG). A 5000 euro amount has been allocated for the implementation of project activities.
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to enhancing participatory democracies and the EU integration processes in Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina by strengthening civil society impact on human trafficking victim’s outcomes as well as CSO’s capacity and capability to effectively dialogue with governments producing lasting change.
The main objective of the sub-grant scheme is the contribution of the civil society organizations for monitoring and data collection for use of legal frame reporting and politics in the field of human trafficking with focus on protection and defence of rights of women’s victims of human trafficking.