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Women's Rights Center is publishing vacancy announcement for
Data Collection Assistant
(two positions)
for development of the National Report on Trafficking in Human Beings 2018-2019
under the framework of the project “Balkans Act (Against Crime of Trafficking) Now!
BAN III, phase 3
Beneficiary country
Project beneficiary countries are Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Beneficiary country for the purpose of this contract is Montenegro.
Contracting Authority
Women’s Rights Center (WRC)
Overall objective
Overall objective of the Project is to contribute to enhancing participatory democracies and the EU integration processes in Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina by strengthening civil society impact on human trafficking victim’s outcomes as well as CSO’s capacity and capability to effectively dialogue with governments producing lasting change.
The ultimate goal in human trafficking victim’s protection is to promote an integrated, holistic and empowering approach that places the real needs of victims at the center of the process of sustained recovery. To achieve it, CSOs, regional and national protection governmental bodies have to work collaboratively and complimentary, and ensure that quality of services provided is monitored objectively and results analyzed regularly.
The purpose of the assistance facilitates this action: to assist in providing mechanism for regular victim’s outcomes monitoring; which will set pathways for multi stakeholder collaboration on regional and national levels; and ensure that CSOs have the right skills, knowledge and capacity to ensure victim’s needs, rights and entitlements are met.
Specific objectives
The scope of work for the assistance under this call is in line with BAN 3 specific objectives:
- SO 1: Enhance CSOs involvement in public decision making and influence over anti-trafficking policy development and delivery of quality services to victims.
- SO 2: Strengthening capacity and capability of CSOs to actively engage in evidence based policy monitoring and advocacy while improving their internal transparency and accountability
- SO3: Strengthening anti-trafficking EU, regional and national coalition building and networking through sharing of skills, knowledge and by improving outreach to grass root CSO’s
The assistance under this contract will also contribute to following key short and long term positive benefits to the public sectors:
- Regular and objective monitoring results with clear view of what is working and what isn’t, enabling better use of available resources;
- Delivery on national and international commitments of being ‘victims centric’ and meeting real needs and guaranteed rights of victims;
- Boosting immediate and long term technical and management capacity.
BAN III focuses on adoption and implementation of the Monitoring tool, its advocacy and promotion as an enabler of transparent and accountable monitoring of quality of services delivered to victims. Effective Monitoring tool implementation requires civil society sector that has capacity and capability to deliver quality inputs and hold governments to the account, hence the project addresses CSO strengthening, advocacy skills and networking. Institutionalised effective monitoring and involvement of CSOs are a precondition for enabling functioning of the office of National rapporteur or it’s strengthening, as a key function in ensuring together EU accession triggers deeply rooted and irreversible positive changes in addressing human trafficking.
General background
Anti-trafficking NRM is a concept developed by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in order to identify a set of measures and to provide a practical tool for countries to meet the challenges connected to human trafficking. The OSCE’s Action Plan to Combat Trafficking in Human Beings, endorsed in 2003 at the Maastricht Ministerial Council meeting, recommends that “OSCE participating States establish NRMs by building partnerships between civil society and law enforcement, creating guidelines to properly identify trafficked persons and establish cross-sector and multidisciplinary teams to develop and monitor policies”. The main aim of an NRM is to ensure that the human rights of trafficked persons are respected and to provide an effective way to refer victims of trafficking to support services. At the core of every NRM is the process of locating and identifying possible victims of trafficking, while the second central component is setting up cooperation structures among governmental organizations and service providers from civil society.
The Monitoring tool[1] drafted and piloted through BAN I and II projects will be completed to enable efficient and effective collection of data and its conversion into policy and practice shaping information and evidence. To complete the tool following activities will need to take place: 1) expert review of indicators and allocation of individual indicators weighting to allow automatic scores calculation; 2) finalisation of monitoring tool software; 3) comparative analysis of the tool with Dutch model and study visits to the Netherlands; 4) national expert meetings reviews of indicators (6 meetings x 5 countries); and finally 5) 3 national level meetings (15 in total) gathering prominent law, social policy and rights monitoring experts from governmental and CSO bodies who will review and promote adoption of the tool. Study visit to Holland will be led by NHC partner and will enable relevant state institutions representatives to learn about and lobby for the introduction and effective functioning of the institution of National Repporteur. Once all inputs are collated, the on-line tool will be available for use. The next step will include development of training materials and training CSOs on how to use the tool and analyse data produced by it. (details are described under Op. 1.2) Next step is CSO monitoring. All of the project partners and sub-grantees will monitor 80 individual trafficking cases. Based on collected data, the total of 10 country level CSO reports will be produced with the first reports being published in 2019. Expert support (10 days x 5 countries) will be provided to selected public bodies to understand and use the monitoring tool. This is an important activity as it further pushed the government to listen to and respond to the needs of victims including specific needs of women. It will also make them more receptive of CSO reports and possibly build stronger bond with CSO professionals who are skilled at working with monitoring data. The total of 5 governmental bodies reports, using gender disaggregated data, will be published as of 2020. 6 monitoring review working groups will be established to review monitoring results, analyse them and provide policy and practice changes: 5 on national level (1 working group per country) and a regional one. National working groups will gather 10 policy making and CSO experts and will meet 1 a year (total of 2 meetings per country). They will agree, produce and advocate for policy and practices changes based on the data and evidence gathered through monitoring. Regional working group will gather 3 experts from each of the 5 targeted countries and they will meet twice (1 meeting a year starting 2020). Their role will be to analyse national level monitoring data, identify trends, formulate recommendations and advocate (leveraging their expert position and influence) for their adoption. Recommendations from both working groups will be published on partners websites and other appropriate channels.
Description of the assignment
- Collect local legislation and other relevant public data regarding Trafficking in Human Beings
- Conducting initial desk review of Montenegrin legislation relevant to Trafficking in Human Beings
- Conducting initial review of the relevant public data regarding Trafficking in Human Beings
- Collecting local media press clippings regarding Trafficking in Human Beings
- Relevant local legislation regarding Trafficking in Human Beings collected and sorted
- Relevant other local public data regarding Trafficking in Human Beings collected and sorted
- Initial desk review of the local legislation regarding Trafficking in Human Beings conducted
- Initial desk review of the local public data regarding Trafficking in Human Beings conducted
- Local media press clippings regarding Trafficking in Human Beings collected and sorted
Geographical area to be covered
Project management
Ms Maja Raičević, Executive director, BAN III Steering board Member
Ms Ana Jaredić, Support service program manager, BAN III Project Coordinator
Mr Marko Jusić, BAN III Finance Manager
Facilities to be provided by the Contracting Authority and/or other parties
- List of relevant stakeholders;
- Relevant documentation in Montenegrin and English
- Facility from where the Data Collection would be conducted
Podgorica, Montenegro
Start date & period of implementation of the tasks
The work assignment will commence at 1st January 2019 and end at 15th December 2019.
The Contracting authority (Women’s Rights Center) will control the quality of data collected during the whole process of assignment.
Deadlines and timetable for the following year shall be agreed in a timely manner in accordance with Organization’s plans for the year in question.
The assistant is expected to:
- Collect and sort local legislation and changes of legislation regarding Trafficking in Human beings
- Collect and sort local public data regarding Trafficking in Human beings
- Collect local press clippings regarding Trafficking in Human Beings
- Conduct initial Desk Review of the local legislation and other public data regarding Trafficking in Human Beings
WORK SCHEDULE (tentative)
Collection, sorting and initial Desk Review of relevant data regarding Trafficking in Human Beings in Montenegro shall commence from 1st January 2019 until 15th December 2019.
Qualifications and skills
- Higher education (minimum 4 years of higher education or its equivalence) in Social Science or Humanities
- Previous experience in data collection
- Profound interests in Human Rights, Gender Equality and Fight Against Trafficking in Human Beings
- Culturally and gender-sensitive,
- Verbal/written proficiency in English language
- Experience with organizations/institutions that are part of an anti-trafficking National Referral Mechanism is highly desirable
- Good written and verbal communication skills.
- Excellent Microsoft Office skills.
- Experience and ability to work in intercultural environments.
- Time management skills and the ability to prioritize work.
- A creative mind with an ability to suggest improvements.
- Attention to detail and problem-solving skills.
Special requirements
Work on the BAN 3 project is strictly confidential due to the sensitive information to be processed. No information should be shared with third persons, before the approval of the project management team.
Application procedure
- The tenderers are expected to submit a CV that proves possession of requested competencies with expression of interest and request for clarification no later than October 5th
- When requested, tenderers are required to submit offers using templates and following instructions provided within this call no later than October 15th 2018
- Short listed applicants may be invited to oral interview before the WRC panel
[1] http://womensrightscenter.org/files/documents/1515164148-monitoring_handbook_MNE-MNE.pdf