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WRC Country Asessment Report 2021
At what level do the competent bodies for EU integration in Montenegro advocate gender equality in the accession processes? Does the EU Delegation in Montenegro implement the obligations from the EU Action Plan for Gender Equality (GAP III)? How effective are the gender mechanisms for achieving gender equality in the country? To what extent do the available gender-disaggregated data help in understanding the real position of women and men? You can read these and many other research results conducted as part of the project “Improving gender equality in the EU accession process” in the first WRC Monitoring report on the assessment of the state’s progress for the year 2021.
Partners:Reactor Research in Action | Kosova Women’s Network | The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation | AWEN-Albanian Women Empowerment Network | Prava za sve
EU Neighbourhood & Enlargement | WeBalkans |
Sida – Styrelsen för Internationellt Utvecklingssamarbete
#GenderSensitiveEUAccession #rodnosenzitivnopristupanjeEU #родовосензитивниЕУинтеграции #NdjeshmëriGjinoreQasjenëBE #PromovimiiBarazisëGjinore #BEpërBarazinëGjinore
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