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Gender analysis of the first media strategy with brief reference to the situation in the media sector with factsheets
EU regional action Advancing gender equality through the accession process, funded by the EU and SIDA, and led by Reactor – Research in action, is implemented with partner organizations Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation (office in Northern Macedonia), Kosovo Women’s Network (Kosovo), AWEN (Albania), Right for All (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Women’s Rights Center (Montenegro), aims to enhance and expand existing regional cooperation to strengthen participatory democracies and led to an inclusive and gender-sensitive accession process. The specific goals are: to improve the capacities of CSOs dealing with women’s rights for effective cooperation with governments, EU delegations, local (women’s) civil society organizations and other CSOs in the region, making all involved actors aware of the gender dimension of the EU accession process; and to improve the responsibility of governments and the EU Delegation in implementing obligations undergender equality and women’s rights during the EU accession process. As part of the planned results, the activity envisages three sectoral gender analyzes (2020 – 2024) in the area of activity of each of the partners, and this document is the third gender analysis in Montenegro prepared by the Women’s Rights Center.
Regardless of the legal obligation to collect gender-disaggregated data in Montenegro, their lack is evident, which affects the quality of analyzes that should inform sectoral policies. This gender analysis should contribute to correcting the mentioned shortcomings. In addition, our goal is to contribute to the implementation of the EU Action Plan for Gender Equality (GAP III), which advocates for the building of knowledge and expertise on gender equality through research into sectoral policies. Results like this research is doubly useful: it offers a way to introduce a gender dimension into national policies and therefore influence the advancement of women’s human rights in practice once sectoral policies are implemented. The gender analysis of the first Montenegrin media strategy contributes to existing research in the field of media and offers another perspective of the media sector. Based on the research results, in the final part find concrete interventions on the proposed draft of the Media Strategy and the draft of the Law on Media, which were communicated in a timely manner to the competent ministry.
This publication is part of the project “Improving gender equality in the EU accession process” which the Women’s Rights Center is implementing together with regional partners. This publication was created with the financial support of the European Union and Sweden. Its content is the sole responsibility of the Women’s Rights Center and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or Sweden.